Borough of
Rocky Hill
Stay updated as it happens.....
If you would like to receive an email notification when there is an update, please send an email to:
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Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is rescheduled for Tuesday, february 25 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Posted 10/20/2024
Immigration Rights Resources
Upcoming Webinars/Workshops
Know Your Rights Webinar
Monday, February 3 10 AM – 12 PM
Join Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, Make the Road NJ, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, ACLU NJ, and Resistencia en Acción for an important discussion on protecting immigrant rights. This session will provide crucial information on what to do if you or a loved one are confronted by ICE, how to best prepare for potential encounters, and the legal protections available to immigrant communities. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from experts, ask questions, and learn about the resources available to help you stay informed and empowered.
Immigration Guidance for Child Care Providers
Thursday, February 13 from 2 PM - 3 PM
Advocates for Children of NJ (ACNJ) and NJ Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC) will be hosting a webinar where child care providers will have the opportunity to ask an expert questions.
Register for the webinar today.
For some helpful links, visit the website at
Latino Action Network Assembly 2025
Saturday, March 1 from 8 AM – 4 PM
The assembly aims to empower Latino communities through education, advocacy, and solidarity, promoting democracy and collective well-being. Participants will have the opportunity to attend two sessions based on their interests and legislative priorities. This conference is your chance to connect, learn, and collaborate with passionate advocates and leaders working to empower the Latino community across New Jersey.
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) offers a guide to help child care providers create “Safe Space” policies. To start, providers should review security and privacy policies to ensure they address staff interactions with authorities, protection of private information, and emergency procedures. These policies should comply with laws and be updated to improve safety and data protection, reducing risks with immigration agents and safeguarding sensitive information. Child care providers can tailor their safe space policy to meet their needs, but it should include these key components:
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Interacting with Immigration Agents
Minimizing Disruption
Parent Notification
Click here to view a template to create a safe space policy.
The Department of Human Services’ Office of New Americans has useful resources for individuals and organizations/businesses as they prepare for interactions with federal immigration law enforcement.
DCF created a one pager (attached) encouraging families to create a preparedness plan in the event caregivers are separated from their children for any reason, including natural disaster, incarceration, or deportation. The QR code provides access to a webpage with additional information and resources.
ONA Know Your Rights – For community and Organizations/Businesses, more languages to come.
NJ Consortium for Immigrant Children (NJCIC): access recording & PowerPoint from webinar (Briefing on Immigrant Rights Preparedness for Nonprofit Organizations & Social Service Providers), Immigrant Rights Toolkit, Power of Attorney information & additional resources

Rocky Hill Adopts Resolution Accepting Fourth Round COAH Numbers

Somerset County Offers Free Tax-Aide Program to Residents
Appointment Scheduling Begins on February 1, 2025
Posted 1/28/2025
With Temps Dropping.....
Please take steps to keep your pipes from freezing.....


Please be advised, that Shari Key has resigned as the Borough Tax Collector and Utility Clerk.
Thank you to Shari for serving the Borough for the last 7 years. Your efforts are appreciated. Anyone wishing to send a note of appreciation for Shari is welcome to do so, by emailing her address. Borough officials will see that she receives the messages. You can also drop off a note at Borough Hall which can be forwarded to Shari.
Christine Witt will be the interim Utility Clerk and Rebecca Newman will be the interim Tax Collector. Both can be reached by email at or by phone during office hours 609-924-7445.
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARY 2025, CHECK BACK HERE FOR FUTURE UPDATES. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Posted 11/18/2024
Sunday, December 8
Tree Lighting & Holiday Party
Sponsored by the Rocky Hill Community Group
4 - 6 pm | Amy Garrett House, 62 Washington St.
Bring your family and friends. Celebrate the holiday season with carols, festive crafts, kid-friendly games, and a visit from Santa. Food and drinks will be provided. Don’t miss our raffle with amazing prizes!
Second Leaf Collection Scheduled..........................
Somerset County Office On Aging and Disabilities to host Caregiver Wellness Evening Out November 6, 2024
Request for Proposals
The Borough of Rocky Hill is requesting proposals for professionals for the year 2025.
Crescent Avenue Paving
Schifano Construction will Mill and Pave Crescent Ave on Wednesday 10/30 and Thursday 10/31. They will mill and pave one half the first day and the other half the next. The road willbe closed between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Local traffic will be allowed access but there may be a delay. This is a county road and any questions should be directed to the Somerset County Engineering Department.
Email link:
Early Voting......
Early voting for the 2024 General Election will be available in six polling locations in Somerset County from Saturday, Oct. 26 to Sunday Nov. 3, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday through Saturday, Sunday until 6:00 PM. Locations are as follows:
Bernards Community Center Garage, 289 S. Maple Ave, Basking Ridge
Bridgewater Municipal Court, 100 Commons Way, Bridgewater
Franklin Community Center, 505 Demott Lane, Somerset
Hillsborough Municipal Bldg., 379 South Branch Road, Hillsborough
Montgomery Municipal Bldg., 100 Community Drive, Skillman
North Plainfield Community Center, 614 Greenbrook Road, N. Plainfield
Fire Danger Alert
Due to the lack of significant rain and extreme dryness of vegetation, the state has issued a restriction on any open burning. At this time, please do not use charcoal or wood burning stoves, fire pits, torches, or chimneys. Updates will be issued when conditions change.
Flu Shot Clinic
Wednesday, OCTOBER 23, 2024
4-6 PM
Trinity Church, Rocky Hill
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is rescheduled for Tuesday, November 26 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Posted 10/20/2024
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is rescheduled for Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Posted 8/26/2024
OCTOBER 16, 2024
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
September is our time to spread the word about ovarian cancer risk and prevention, rally for more scientific research, and make progress toward a cure for ovarian and related gynecologic cancers
Proclamation Declaring September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
DisABILITY Expo and Job Fair To Be Held at Senior Wellness Center at Bridgewater on Oct. 5
Deadline for free transportation registration is Sept. 16.
Posted 9/15
County Seeking Volunteers for Fall Leaf Clean-Up Project in November
The project helps elderly and disabled homeowners with yard work
Deadline for registration is Oct. 2.
Posted 9/15
Rocky Hill Tennis Courts Closed for Renovations
Please be advised the Tennis Courts behind Borough Hall will be closed from August 28th through September 10, 2024. The courts are being completely renovated and will be spectacular once reopened. Thank you for your patience.
Posted 8/28
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is rescheduled for Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Posted 8/26/2024
The mailing of the final tax bill has been delayed. The bill will be calculated this week and mailed immediately.
to 8/20/2024. Be advised there is no further grace period after 8/20/2024. Payments received after 8/20/2024 will have interest calculated back to 8/1/2024 per NJ Statutes.
Posted 7/24/24

On or about July 11, 2024, through July 12, 2024 milling and paving operations on Montgomery Avenue will commence.
Working hours will be 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. In case of rain the work will resume the following day.
Montgomery Ave from Washington Street to Merrit Lane
7/11/2024- Milling Operations 7 AM to 5 PM
7/12/2024- Paving Operations 7 AM to 5 PM
7/15/2024- Striping Operations 7 AM to 5 PM
Added 7/10/2024
Rocky Hill First Aid Squad 75th Anniversary
Added 6/26/2024

Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is rescheduled for Tuesday, June 25 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Updated 6/21/2024
Planned repaving of Montgomery Ave has been rescheduled and will commence shortly. Check back here for updates. Expect delays and closures.
Please observe No Parking signs.
Added 6/19/2024
Added 6/17/2024

Please be advised that we are not longer collecting plastic bags and other plastic film not normally recycled. The program sponsor has ended the program and collection. Please dispose of these items by other means.
Thanks to all who have previously participated!!!
Added 5/3/2024
Reminder of the scheduled brush and limb pickup for the week of May 20, 2024.
Brush must not be more that 4' long or more than 6" in diameter.
Brush must not be tied or bound with anything.
Added 5/3/2024
Reminder of the scheduled bulk trash pickup for Wednesday, May 15.
Please, no electronic or hazardous waste and no white metal (appliances, such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, driers, etc.).
Added 5/3/2024

Planned repaving of Montgomery Ave will commence the week of May 20, 2024. Expect delays and closures.
Please observe No Parking signs.
Added 5/10/2024
Reminder of the scheduled Town Hall for tomorrow, Saturday, May 4, from 10 AM to Noon. This will be held at Borough Hall, Council Chamber or join virtually.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
Find your local number:
Added 5/3/2024

RH Stream Cleanup
April 20 - registration is required! Followed by fun and food!
Added 4/12/2024

Summer Youth Work Program
Added 4/12/2024
We have received the first water test results since the PFOS remediation system became active. The results came back for PFOS of NONE DETECTED. This is great news that the new system is working optimally.
Added 4/5/2024
Added 3/28/2024
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board is scheduled for Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Added 3/20/2024
Rocky Hill Poetry Path 2024
April is National Poetry Month
Submit your own poem or one
by a poet that you admire...
SUBMIT your poems by March 18 to for consideration
WALK the Path in Green Acres behind RH
Borough Hall throughout month of APRIL
Added 3/16/2024

Borough Council Budget Planning Meeting
Pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law, the Borough Council of the Borough of Rocky Hill will hold a special meeting on February 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM. The Borough Council of the Borough of Rocky Hill will be meeting to discuss the 2024 mChapter 190 Vehicles, Storage of unicipal budget draft. This meeting will be held at the Borough Hall located at 15 Montgomery Avenue, Rocky Hill, NJ. .
Added 2/23/2024
Somerset County Schedule for Secure Shredding of Household Documents
Added 2/22/2024
Notice of Continuation of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
Rescheduled for March 28, 7:00 PM
The continuation of the Montgomery Zoning Board from Tuesday, January 23, 2024 is rescheduled for Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM, to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Updated 2/21/2024
Pet Licenses
Reminder: new and renewed pet licenses are due to be paid by 4/30/2024. After that date a late fee will be accessed.
MAY I-JUNE 30: $20
Added 4/18/2023
Town Hall this Saturday, February 3
The Rocky Hill Borough Council will be holding a Town Hall meeting starting at 9:00 AM at the Borough Hall. The meeting may be attending in person or virtually.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
Find your local number:
Added 1/31/2024
Notice of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
The Montgomery Zoning Board will hold a hearing on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Added 1/22/2024
Low Winter Temperatures Coming this Week
With the severe winter weather approaching, Rocky Hill Borough reminds residents to take precautions.
Be sure to winterize outdoor water faucets.
Remove any attached hose and shut off the inside water valve to that faucet.
See additional information at:
Be sure to keep an adequate amount of gas in your car.
Be sure to have extra medications on hand and keep them in a water-resistant container.
In the event of a power outage, NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, sheds, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation.
Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working before a storm.
Know how to report a power outage to your utility company.
Be sure to check on friends and neighbors who have access or functional needs.
Charge your cell phones and try not to use them if the power goes out. Texting uses less power than a phone call, so send text messages to save power if possible.
Added 1/13/2024
Rocky Hill Municipal Court for January 10 Cancelled
With the impending storm / possible flood issues, the 1/10/24 virtual court session will be cancelled.
If you were scheduled for 1/10/24, your matter will be heard on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Added 1/10/2024
Rocky Hill Town Hall, December 2
Video recording of the meeting:
Added 12/3/2023
Rocky Hill Town Hall - December 2
The Borough of Rocky Hill will hold a special Borough Town Hall meeting in person and virtually on Saturday December 2, 2023 at 9:00 AM. The meeting will take place at Borough Hall, 15 Montgomery Avenue, Rocky Hill, NJ. The meeting will also be virtual. See below for sign in information. The purpose of this meeting will be to gather information from residents on traffic concerns and general concerns of the Borough of Rocky Hill.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
Find your local number:
Added 11/28/2023
Notice of Montgomery Zoning Board Hearing for Proposed Storage Facility Adjacent to Rocky Hill
This meeting has been rescheduled for January 23, 2024.
The Montgomery Zoning Board will hold a hearing on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to consider requested zoning variances for this facility. Residents who wish to comment on the application should attend the meeting.
Added 11/24/2023
Borough Council Meetings Return to In-person on Monday, Nov. 6., 7 PM
We welcome back In-person RH borough council meetings starting with the first meeting of November. A remote option will be offered as well. If you prefer to attend remotely use the following Zoom link. This will replace the previous GoTo Meeting. Members of the public wishing to make comments are urged to be in person at the Borough Hall. Chat functions will be disabled during the zoom meeting.
Borough of Rocky Hill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Borough of Rocky Hill Council Meeting
7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 932 9889 0906
Passcode: 442347
Find your local number:
Added 11/1/2023
Slam the Scam - Learn About Social Security Scams and How to protect Yourself
Click to view a press release and additional information
Added 3/10/2023
Find Water Leaks in Your Home
Please see the attached flyer to help you find water leaks. Click on the boxed arrow in the upper right corner to view the presentation.
Added 10/17/2022

Funds are Available for Water and Sewer Arrears
The NJ Department of Community Affairs has funds available to help cover water and sewer charges in arrears. To fill out an application please visit this site:
Added 9/3/2022
The state has lifted the COVID emergency and many of the restrictions have been removed.
Access to vaccination has bcome readily available and I encourage all to get vaccinated and get the latest boosters.
I recommend that everyone continue to follow basic public health protection practices of getting vaccinated, isolating or avoiding close contacts with others when sick,
and especially remember to continue to practice the single most effective public health prevention practice of frequent handwashing.
COVID Testing and vaccinations are available at many pharmacies and additional resources are available by contacting the Montgomery Health Dept.
Take precautions and stay healthy.
- Bob Uhrik, Mayor - April 2023
Click here for important COVID-19 updates
Somerset County Covid Statistics
Somerset County Covid Vaccination Statistics