Affordable Housing Compliance

Affordable Housing Compliance

On March 10, 2015, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a ruling which removed the approval of municipal planning for the provision of affordable housing within the municipality from the Council on Affordable Housing to the judiciary.

Municipalities which desired to continue participate, as the Borough of Rocky Hill has, in the affordable housing process had until July 8, 2015 to file with the judiciary.

The following are the Borough of Rocky Hill's Legal Notices and filings:

Judge Miller Extends Temporary Immunity to June 30, 2018

Judge Miller Extends Temporary Immunity to February 28, 2017

Omnibus Case Management Order #2 by Judge Miller - 04/19/2016

Letter to Judge Miller  Rocky Hill Relying on Supp. Experts Reports Submitted by Raritan Twp.

Service List Required by Supreme Court

Service List Continued - Exhibit B

Demographic and Economic Constraints on the Inclusionary Zoning Strategy Utilized for the Production of Low and Moderate Income Housing in New Jersey

Review of New Jersey Affordable Housing Obligation Methodology

Legal Notice

Complaint for Declaratory Judgment

Notice of Motion for a Grant of Temporary Immunity from Exclusionary Zoning Litigation

Certificate of Service

Order Granting Temporary Immunity

Brief in Support of Motion

Certification in Support of Motion

Order signed and filed by Judge Thomas Miller, J.S.C, 8/25/2015

Decision of Judge Thomas Miller, J.S.C. 

Notice of Motion to Extend Temporary Immunity

Certification of SAK in Support of Motion to Extend Temporary Immunity

Brief to Judge Miller in Support of Motion to Extend Temporary Immunity

Orders Extending Temporary Immunity

Letter Brief in Further Support of Motion to Extend Time

Preliminary Decision Granting Motion to Extend Temporary Immunity and Time to Submit Expert Report

Judge Miller's Decision on Grant of Extension of Temporary Immunity 

Order Granting Extension of Temporary Immunity to Rocky Hill

Letter to Judge Thomas C. Miller, dated November 30, 2015, regarding the Matrix Form

Letter to Judge Thomas C. Miller, dated November 30, 2015, regarding the Pre-trial Submission

Letter brief to Judge Thomas C. Miller, dated January 11, 2016, regarding affordable housing compliance issues.

Econsult Solutions, LLC, Affordable Housing and Need Obligations Report, revised December 30, 2015

Order Appointing Special Master and Providing for Payment of the Special Mater's Fees

Omnibus Order Regarding Appointment of Richard B. Reading as Special Regional Master

Omnibus Order Case Management and Consolidated Hearing on Determination of Fair Share Obligation

The above will be supplemented as developments warrant.