Council Meetings

Borough Council meetings will be held virtually until further notice.

Virtual meeting participation instructions

Click here to view upcoming meeting dates, agendas, minutes and supporting documents.  The agenda may be updated several times prior to each meeting, please check back regularly.

Unless otherwise altered due to holidays, the Rocky Hill Borough Council meetings schedule is as follows:

  Regular Meetings

     Second Monday of each month unless it falls on a holiday in which

case it will be held on Wednesday of that week.

  Town Halls

     4 times per year.  Dates to be determined.

Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.  All Borough meetings will be held virtually and in person at Borough Hall.

Videos of past Borough Council Meetings:

   July 8, 2024

   June 10, 2024

   May13, 2024 

   April 8, 2024 meeting starts at 12:20 on the recording

   March 11, 2024 

   February 12, 2024 

   Town Hall - February 3, 2024 

   January 8, 2024 

   January 3, 2024 Reorg - meeting starts at 3:40

   December 18, 2023 

   December 4, 2023 

  Town Hall - December 2, 2023 

  November 20, 2023 

  November 6, 2023 

For historic meeting agendas and minutes, click below:









