Zoning / Construction Departments

Zoning Office


The Zoning Officer is in the Borough Hall office during normal general office hours on Wednesdays from 3:30- 6 pm.

Zoning Officer: Mark Skerbetz

email: zoning@rockyhill-nj.gov

Main Borough office: 609-924-7445 

Construction Office

Normal Construction Officials Rocky Hill office hours:

Tuesday 1:00pm - 3:00 pm in Borough Hall

Phone: 609/924-7445

NJ Department of Community Affairs (DCA)

Services of the Rocky Hill Construction Department are provided through the NJ DCA Division of Code and Standards via the Office of Local Code Enforcement's Southern Regional Office in Hammonton.    

ALL OPRA requests for open and closed permits for a real estate transaction need to be directed to this state office, not the Borough of Rocky Hill. 

Phone: 609/567-3653

Division of Code and Standards webpage.

DCA Contact webpage

Scheduling Inspections

ALL inspections must now be scheduled ONLINE only.  The scheduling site can be accessed by clicking here.

More detailed instructions and information are available via additional documentation provided by the NJ Dept. of Community Affairs available by clicking here.

Please address local mail to:

William D. PattersonActing Construction OfficialConstruction Department Borough of Rocky Hill PO Box 188 15 Montgomery Avenue Rocky Hill, NJ 08553