Watershed and municipal storm water
Rocky Hill Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - The Watershed Institute
Impervious Cover Assessment And Reduction Action Plan Prepared For Rocky Hill Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey by the Watershed Institute December 30, 2020
RH Impervious Cover Assessment:
RH Site Concepts:
The Watershed Institute River Friendly page:
Be River-Friendly | thewatershed.org
River-Friendly Certification Programs promote clean water and a healthy environment through voluntary action by individuals and institutions.To achieve these goals we work one-on-one with residents, businesses, golf courses, and schools to improve land stewa rdship practices. The program works to reduce pollution, conserve water, restore habitat for wildlife and educate the public about ...
River friendly homes:
Your actions have a direct impact on our local waterways and environment. Becoming a River-Friendly Resident will help you use less water, avoid plastics, consider how to use alternatives to chemicals for cleaning supplies, pesticides and fertilizers in your yard.