Archive of Old News
IMPORTANT: When Payment Options appears, click on the "Switch to Pay with Check" link and then continue entering your information.
The Christmas Tree Pickup is Scheduled for the Week of January 29
Added 1/29/2024
Crescent Avenue Closed, Tuesday, January 2
Due to water main work, Crescent Avenue will be closed to through traffic from Reeve Road to Washington Street starting at 9:30 PM.
Updated 1/2/2024
The Rocky Hill Fire Dept is Conducting Operation Santa Tonight, December 19
The fire department will be escorting Santa around the borough at 6:00 PM. Please see the fire department Facebook page for the street routes.
Added 12/19/2023
Schedule for Leaf and Brush and Limb Pick Up
The brush and limb pickup will occur the week of November 27.
There are 3 dates scheduled for leaf pickup, 11/15/23, 11/29/23, and 12/18/23
Leaf piles must not contain any debris of they will not be picked up.
Brush piles must not be co-mingled with leaf piles or neither will be picked up.
Brush must not be more that 4' long or more than 6" in diameter.
Brush must not be tied or bound with anything.
Added 11/9/2023
Veterans Day Observance - November 11
In observance of Veterans Day, Rocky Hill will hold a ceremony at Panicaro Park this Saturday November 11th at 11am. All are welcome to honor our veterans for their service to our country. Everyone will have the opportunity to offer some words in remembrance of family members or friends who have served.
Added 11/9/2023
Free Tire Drop-off Event on Oct. 23 to 27
The tire event will be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Post Date:10/19/2023 9:50 AM
HILLSBOROUGH, NJ – Somerset County Commissioner Melonie Marano, recycling liaison, encourages residents and farmers to dispose of any unwanted tires, free-of-charge, from Monday, Oct. 23, through Friday, Oct. 27, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the South County Public Works Garage located at 410 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844. Up to eight tires per household can be dropped off.
Proper disposal of tires can help protect communities by preventing illness and injury. Scrap tires can collect standing water and attract mosquitoes in warm weather, which may carry the West Nile virus. In the autumn and winter, they present a tripping hazard when covered with leaves or snow.
Tires can also be dropped off during the year at the Somerset County Recycling Center, located at 40 Polhemus Lane in Bridgewater, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., as part of the “First Saturday of the Month” drop-off program. For more information about First Saturday Drop Off events, visit
For more information, contact the Somerset County Road Division at 908-541-5021 or email Residents can also contact the Somerset County Division of Solid Waste at 908-231-7109 or email
The Tire Drop-Off Program is made possible by the Somerset County Division of Solid Waste Management and the Somerset County Road Department. The program is funded through a grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection.
Added 10/22/2023
Pacific Southern Railroad is back in town - Saturday, October 14 and Sunday, October 15
Support local first responders by attending this event.
Added 10/13/2023
Rocky Hill Day - Saturday, October 14
Join the Rocky Hill Community Group for a day of clean up and fun.
Added 10/8/2023

Somerset County Journey Through the Past - Oct. 7 - 8
The Rocky Hill Community Group and the Amy Garrett House, Rocky Hill will be participating in the event.
Resident Peggy Querec will be leading an historic walking tour October 7th starting at 11AM from the Amy Garrett House.
Go to this website to see all county event details:
Updated 10/5/2023
Fall Bulk Trash Pickup - October 18
The fall bulk pickup of large trash items is scheduled for October 18. Please have items to curb by 6 AM. No hazardous waste, TVs or other electronics, or appliances. Latex paint is okay but must be dried out.
Added 10/2/2023
Rocky Hill Flu Clinic - October 24, 4 - 6 PM
The clinic will be held at the Trinity Church. Free to Rocky Hill residents.
Added 9/28/2023
Bi-Weekly Trash Pickup has Ended
This is a reminder that bi-weekly trash pickup ended on September 1. Trash should not be placed at the curb for pickup on Fridays.
Added 9/21/2023
Construction on Princeton Avenue
Construction work on Princeton Avenue will occur on Monday, September 11. One lane will be closed, expect delays. Please plan accordingly.
Added 9/8/2023
September 11 Memorial
There will be a brief memorial of September 11 on Monday, 8:30 AM at Panicaro Park.
Added 9/8/2023
Updated Due Date for 3rd Quarter 2023 Property Tax Bills
The 3rd quarter property tax bill due date has been extended to August 24, 2023.
Added 7/18/2023
Thursday, July 20th @ 6:30pm, Family Kickball/Dodgeball Game & Summer Movie Night to follow!
Presented by the Rocky Hill Community Group and hosted by Coach Rooney behind Borough Hall.
6:30-7:30 pm Littles/Tikes games
7:30-8:30 pm Tweens/Adults games
8:30 Movie: "The Sandlot"
No registration required and free for all to to attend. Bring a chair, sleeping bag and some snacks and join us as the adults battle the kids in our second round of Rooney ball!
Games will be broken down into age groups ...stay for a movie, which will follow on the "big screen". Popcorn will be served but bring your drinks and bug spray.
Added 7/17/2023
4th of July Parade, 10:30 AM
Come show off your wheels on Independence Day!
Rocky Hill Fire House to Borough Hall.
Ice Cream Social afterwards to help you cool off!
Added 6/22/2023

Upcoming Rocky Hill Community Group Events
June 22nd - Dodge/kick ball & tug of war with Coach Rooney. 6pm until dark @ Borough Hall
July 4th - Details to follow.
July 21st - RHCG Summer Series MOVIE night. Join us at Borough Hall 8pm with a movie start time of 9PM. Details to follow.
Added 6/18/2023

Rocky Hill Community Party
Presented by the Rocky Hill Community Group. Saturday, June 3, 6 PM - 9 PM, behind Borough Hall.
Added 5/29/2023

Memorial Day Commemoration
A Memorial Day commemorative event will be held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29 at 10:00 AM in Panicaro Park.
Added 5/22/2023
Spring Branch and Brush Pickup
The brush pickup is scheduled for the week of May 22, 2023. Please do not block roadways and sidewalks with your material.
Tree limbs are to be four inches (4”) or less in diameter.
Brush and tree limbs two inches (2”) or less in diameter are to be tied in bundles. The
bundled materials are to be not longer than four feet (4’).
Tree limbs more than two inches (2”) and less than four inches (4”) in diameter are to be
placed at curbside as solo items.
Updated 5/15/2023
Spring Bulk Trash Pickup
The bulk pickup is scheduled for May 17, 2023. Please do not block roadways and sidewalks with your items.
No items over 200 LBs
Appliances must have their doors removed.
Any item with refrigerant (air conditioners, refrigerators), must have the refrigerant, such as freon, removed by a certified technician and must have a certification sticker on it.
No electronics or hazardous waste.
Updated 5/15/2023
Mental Health Matters 5/15/2023
Monday evening 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Montgomery High School MPAC
Added 5/14/2023
Mary Jacobs Library Re-opening Scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 2023
Library staff will be hosting timed tours of the newly renovated space beginning at 10:30 a.m. Tours will begin every half hour; 10 people per tour. Registration is requested:
Additionally, the Mary Jacobs Foundation has planned some parking lot events to pass the time while you await your tour. Children - and those young at heart - can get complimentary face paint or snack on a delicious treat from the visiting ice cream truck.
New Library Hours:
Mondays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Tuesdays from 2-6 p.m.
Wednesdays from 2-6 p.m.
Thursdays from 2-6 p.m.
Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Added 5/10/2023
Foodstock 2023
Please donate non-perishable food to support local food banks. Help Rocky Hill collect more food than other small towns in Somerset County!
The collection runs until 5/5/2023, There are 2 collection sites: Rocky Hill Firehouse and Princeton Fitness and Wellness.
Added 4/17/2023

Volunteers Needed for StreamWatch
The Watershed Institute is looking for volunteers for water quality monitoring of local waterways.
Added 4/2/2023

Rocky Hill Community Group Pop-up Poetry Path
April is National Poetry Month & Earth Day! Submit your poem or one by a NJ poet that you admire...
THEME for 2023 is WATER
WALK the Path in Green Acres behind Rocky Hill Borough Hall throughout the month of April to view the poems.
Added 2/26/2023
Notice of failure to remediate PFOS.
The borough is required by the NJDEP to post this notice on a regular basis until the non-compliance for PFOS levels in our drinking water has been remediated. Remediation is scheduled to occur in 2023.
Click here for the notice
Added 1/25/2023
Rabies Clinic - Saturday, April 15, 2023
The rabies clinic will be held from 10 AM to Noon at the Rocky Hill Fire House.
Added 4/14/2023
New Jersey is developing an Action Plan for how it will use federal recovery funds to create recovery and mitigation programs to help individuals and communities. We are looking for feedback from homeowners and renters whom Ida impacted.
Homeowners in areas impacted by Hurricane Ida are urged to complete a survey about what they need to recover from Ida and to better protect their homes and communities from future storms. The survey is not an application but is required for residents who want to apply for future recovery programs.
Added 8/24/2022
2022 Rocky Hill Borough Budget
Added 5/26/2022
Please see the attached budget below.
Water System PFOS updates:
New PFOS limit non-compliance letter mailed week of 2/14.
Nov. 30, 2021 NJDEP PFAS in Drinking Water Summit Presentation Slides available ...Updated 12/9
A new NJDEP Tier II letter was sent out dated Feb 15.
Click here to access the required notice that was also mailed to all Rocky Hill Borough water utility accounts on week of February 14, 2022.
Additional information is available at the Water - Sewer - Environment Committee webpage.
Update of Schafer Litigation ...Updated 3/9/2022 with Consent Order signed by presiding judge.
In May 2018, a builder’s remedy lawsuit was brought against the Borough regarding the vacant property on Princeton Avenue, commonly known as the Schafer Tract (Block 10, Lot 19). In a builder’s remedy lawsuit, the plaintiff sues to rezone a property to allow for construction of higher density housing than what current zoning allows, provided that the development includes a set aside of affordable housing units that are designated for low and moderate income.
The Borough is in the process of concluding the settlement of this litigation. Mayor and Council, along with our Borough Professionals, have prepared a full update and background information on this matter, which will be fully disseminated to the public during the public hearing scheduled for December 13, 2021. The rationale for holding a series of special meetings is in the interest of the following:
1. Concluding the settlement discussions prior to the end of 2021, as directed and recommended by the Court.
2. Allowing time to properly inform the public on the matter, with details as follows:
a) To allow adequate time for a public hearing during the second reading of the ordinance, a special meeting was scheduled for December 13. Council wants to give the public as much time as possible to ask questions and not have the public hearing compressed into a regular business meeting. We also did not want to hold a public hearing on this topic during our regular December 20 meeting, as it is during a holiday week when the public will be busy.
b) A special meeting for introduction on November 29 was necessitated based on item (a) above.
c) A special meeting for Planning Board review is necessitated based on items (a) and (b) above.
The timeline of events is as follows:
November 29, 2021
Special Meeting of the Borough Council:
· Council passes Resolution 2021-112 authorizing a Settlement Agreement by and between the Borough of Rocky Hill and David K. Schafer.
· Council introduces Ordinance 2021-15, an affordable housing overlay zoning ordinance that complies with the terms of the Settlement Agreement.
December 2, 2021
Special Meeting of the Borough Planning Board:
· Planning Board reviews Ordinance 2021-15 for consistency with the Master Plan.
December 13, 2021
Special Meeting of the Borough Council:
· Second reading of Ordinance 2021-15, including public hearing.
Ordinance was adopted 12/13.
February 7, 2022
Borough Council approved the Settlement Agreement ending Shafer litigation.
March 8, 2022
Consent order signed by Judge Miller.
Pertinent Documents:
Ordinance 2021-15, an affordable housing overlay zoning ordinance
Consent Order Regarding Borough of Rocky Hill's Fair Housing Obligation
Signed by Judge Miller - Consent Order Regarding Borough of Rocky Hill's Fair Housing Obligation
Sidewalk work:
Residents can contact Borough's sidewalk contractor for work on apron or within driveway space ....Updated 12/27
Residents can schedule additional sidewalk or apron replacement work
The Borough has contracted with ADS Contractors, LLC to address the sections of the Borough's sidewalk in need of replacement. This work has been completed.
Residents can contact the contractors directly if they wish to schedule work on sidewalks within a driveway space, on aprons or other work outside the scope of the Borough's damaged sidewalk replacement project..
The contact information is:
David A. SebastiaoADS Contractors LLC908-246-3893
Sidewalk cutting - ongoing additional sidewalk work
The Borough hired Always Safe Sidewalks to cut edges of stable but uneven sidewalk on most of Route 518 in late October. This work used the reminder of the funds in the 2021 budget for sidewalk work. Cutting is much less expensive than replacing sidewalk slabs, enabling us to address more areas more quickly and for less money.
Additional sidewalk cutting may be scheduled in 2022 after evaluation of the completed Rt 518 cutting work using potential unspent bond funds or 2022 budget funds. Council discussion on this matter are ongoing.
The Recycling Pickup May be Delayed
Please note that the recycling pickup for Friday, December 29 may be delayed due to holiday schedules. If you have put your cans out please leave them by the road. If they are not taken on Friday then they will be picked sometime over the next week.
Added 12/29/2023
The state has lifted the COVID emergency and many of the restrictions have been removed.
Access to vaccination has become readily available and I encourage all to get vaccinated and get the latest boosters.
I recommend that everyone continue to follow basic public health protection practices of getting vaccinated, isolating or avoiding close contacts with others when sick,
and especially remember to continue to practice the single most effective public health prevention practice of frequent handwashing.
COVID Testing and vaccinations are available at many pharmacies and additional resources are available by contacting the Montgomery Health Dept.
Take precautions and stay healthy.
- Bob Uhrik, Mayor - April 2023
Click here for important COVID-19 updates
Somerset County Covid Statistics
Somerset County Covid Vaccination Statistics
Tax Collector - Out of the Office, April 18, 2023 to April 29, 2023
Please be advised that the Tax Collector will not be available during these dates.
Added 3/29/2023
Somerset County Agriculture Day, March 24, 2023
Added 3/18/2023
Borough Planning Board Meeting Tues., March 14, 2023, 7:00 PM
Please Note: The application for 131-133 Washington Street has been withdrawn and will not be considered.
To connect to the virtual meeting:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
United States: +1 (571) 317-3116
Access Code: 774-931-749
Click to view current and prior meeting dates, agendas and supporting documents.
The agenda may be updated several times prior to each meeting; please check back regularly.
Updated 3/13/2023
Water Main Break on Princeton Ave
The break will be repaired on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. Residents may experience low water pressure and possible outage on Monday until the repair is complete on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023. Affected properties are on Princeton Ave from Crescent Ave through the western end of Princeton Ave in Rocky Hill and Grove Street.
Updated 2/11/2023
Keep the Utilities on This Winter
If you are having trouble paying your electric, sewer, or water bills, you may be eligible to avoid disconnection through the Winter Termination Program . Until March 15th, 2023, people unable to pay their utility bills due to circumstances beyond their control, as well as people receiving certain types of public assistance, can receive forbearance by contacting their utility company.
Individuals or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness can contact their county social service agency for assistance . After business hours, call 2-1-1 or visit .
Link: Utilities Assistance
Added 1/6/2023
Board Of Health Meeting
The Borough of Rocky Hill will hold a special Board of Health meeting virtually on Wednesday December 28, 2022. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM via Go to Meeting. See below for sign in information. The purpose of this meeting will be to review and discuss the shared service with Montgomery Township for Health Services and Animal Control Services.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 190-756-821
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Added 12/23/2022
Severe Winter Weather Advisory
With the severe winter weather approaching, Rocky Hill Borough reminds residents to take precautions.
Be sure to winterize outdoor water faucets. Remove any attached hose and shut off the inside water valve to that faucet.
See additional information at:
Be sure to keep an adequate amount of gas in your car.
Be sure to have extra medications on hand and keep them in a water-resistant container.
In the event of a power outage, NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, sheds, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation.
Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working before a storm.
Know how to report a power outage to your utility company.
Be sure to check on friends and neighbors who have access or functional needs.
Charge your cell phones and try not to use them if the power goes out. Texting uses less power than a phone call, so send text messages to save power if possible.
Added 12/23/2022
Are you concerned about traffic and transportation in the area?
Then view the Somerset County Transportation Plan and take the survey:
Somerset County Transportation Plan
Added 12/8/2022
Rocky Hill Tree Lighting Sunday, Dec. 11
Presented by the Rocky Hill Community Group.
Added 12/7/2022
2nd Leaf Pickup Rescheduled to 12/8/2022
Updated 12/6/2022
Board Volunteers Needed
There is an open seat on the Board of Health as well as the Planning Board. Please contact the borough if you are interested and if you have any questions about serving as a volunteer for the borough on these boards. Added 5/12/2022
Somerset County Preservation Plan
The Final public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, March 30th at 4:45 p.m. Updated 3/23/2022
The public may participate in this meeting by using the following link:
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 95794628119
Conference Call-in Number: 1-929-205-6099
Access Code: 95794628119#
Somerset County notes that this will be the first Preservation Plan of its kind, combining all 3 Preservation elements, in the history of the U.S.
Somerset County clearly outlines a 30-day period for public input to the Preservation Plan -- any and all formal comments should be submitted ahead of the final proposed Plan, making it to the Planning Board for their approval on Tuesday, May 17th, as county officials in the Office of Planning, Policy & Economic Development have explained this timeframe.
Comments can be provided in writing to Walter C. Lane, PP, AICP, Director of the Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development at P.O. Box 3000, 20 Grove Street, Somerville, New Jersey 08876 or via email at
Tax Collector Out of the Office 11/17/2022
Please be advised that the Tax Collector will not be available in the office this week and the following week the tax collector's office is closed due to Thanksgiving.
Added 11/14/2022
Leaf Pickup 11/16/2022
Brush and Limb Pickup 11/21/2022 - maximum 4 ft lengths
Updated 11/8/2022
Rocky Hill Bulk Pickup - Rescheduled
The bulk pickup of large trash items is scheduled for the week of 10/24/2022..
Updated 10/23/2022
Rocky Hill Flu Clinic
The Rocky Hill flu clinic is scheduled for October 25 from 4 PM to 6 PM at Trinity Church, 1 Park Avenue. This is free to Rocky Hill residents.
Updated 9/23/2022
Rocky Hill asks homeowners to reduce lawn watering and cover pools when not in use.
TAX BILLS ARE DELAYED. Due date extended to 9/15/2022. Please note that the current tax bills are delayed because Somerset County has not yet provided the updated rate. Once the rate is received the bills will be processed and mailed out with an extended due date. Updated 8/17/2022
Please note: we are moving to GoToMeeting for or virtual meetings. Please see the instructions under the Council Meetings link under the Government tab above or click on the meeting on the Rocky Hill Borough Events calendar below. Added 7/15/2022
For the week of August 1, 2022 only, the Tax Collector will be in the office on Wednesday, August 3, instead of Thursday, August 4. Added 7/7/2022
Special Borough Council Meeting Monday, 6/27/2022, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
To update citizens regarding the library situation and to obtain public comments.
If you were unable to attend this meeting and would like to leave comments, you may send them to:
Library Task Force report: LTF report
Library agreement between Rocky Hill, Montgomery, Mary Jacobs Foundation and the Somerset County Library System: MJL agreement
Mary Jacobs Foundation press release: MJF press release
Links to other library information:
The Borough of Rocky Hill recognizes LGBTQ+ pride this month.
The Borough of Rocky Hill commemorates Juneteenth.
The Borough of Rocky Hill expresses sympathy and prayers for the community of the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
The Planning Board will have a hearing on an amendment to the Master Plan at the June 14, 2022 meeting at 7 PM. Added 6/6/2022
Attached here is the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan:
Special Borough Council Meeting 6/6/2022-canceled
The topic will be the Mary Jacobs Library. Added 6/1/2022
Bulk Trash and Brush & Limb Pickup
Scheduled for the week of May16, 2022. Updated 5/16/2022
Bulk Pickup: Scheduled for Wednesday, May 18. Please have items to curb by 6 AM. No hazardous waste, TVs or other electronics, or appliances. Latex paint is okay but must be dried out.
Brush and Limb pickup: Branches must be 4 inches or less in diameter. Brush and branches less than 2 inches need to be tied in bundles and should be less than 4 feet in length.
Please keep bulk items and brush & branches in separate piles.
Memorial Day Commemoration Event
Planned for Monday May 30, 10AM at Panicaro Park. Note the earlier start time of 10 AM. Added 5/12/2022
Rocky Hill Earth Day Clean Up and River Clean Up
Thanks to all those who attended and helped out on our Earth Day activities. The weather was perfect and we collected over two dozen bags of litter and plies of debris. Special thanks to Jenn Walsh, Susan Bristol, the Watershed Institute, D & R Canal, Sharri Steen, and all those residents who pitched in to help. Updated 5/12/2022
Please join us on April 30, 2022 and volunteer to help remove trash, litter, and debris from local rivers and streams at our 1st Annual Stream Cleanup and long standing Rocky Hill Earth day clean up event.
We will initially gather on April 30th at 10AM at Rocky Hill Borough Hall and then disperse to clean up: the Pebble Beach area (RH owned Millstone River frontage near the 518 bridge), D&R canal towpath (section of the path heading towards Montgomery from 518) and municipal areas within Rocky Hill (green acres/Borough Hall, Panicaro Park, etc).
If you join us after 10AM - please come directly to the area where you would like to participate in the clean-up.
This clean up event will be a great way to get outside, improve the scenic beauty of our region and positively impact our wildlife habitat.
Rain or shine event. Please bring your own gloves and (reusable!) water bottle. Long pants and closed-toed shoes are suggested for woodier areas.
This is an in-person program. Masks and social distancing are optional. A parent or legal guardian is required to attend with all children. Any questions please contact
Gather afterwards, 2-4 PM, at Borough Hall to celebrate our clean-up accomplishments with entertainment (bounce house, mechanical bull & other fun activities).
Special Council Meeting
Please be advised the Borough Council of the Borough of Rocky Hill will hold a special meeting virtually at 6:00 PM on May 2nd, 2022. The purpose of this meeting will be to have a round table discussion between the clerk and the council regarding procedure and host a Q & A session from the council members. The meeting can be accessed by the link below Added 4/29/2022
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 803-567-3886 PIN: 380 007 954#
More phone numbers:
Celebration of the Past, Present and Future of Mary Jacobs Library
April 28, 2022 between 10:30am - 7:30pm Added 4/25/2022
There will be an historical video to watch.
The heartwarming stories of MJL will be told by many people in our community who have worked and visited MJL over these years.
Folks can also tell SCLS's Brian Auger how much the MJL means to the community and ask him to help us retain our branch going forward.
Tree Saplings are Available
Celebrating Earth Day, we have Shellbark Hickory, Paw-paw and Cornelian Cherry tree saplings. Email if you're interested & we can coordinate pick-up. Added 4/25/2022
Mary Jacobs Memorial Library Weekend
due to weather until April 10, 2022
Featuring Local Live Band
OWEN LAKE & The Tragic Loves
Saturday 04/02 10am-12 noon
Drop in at the MJML to THANK our LIBRARIANS,meet our RH Library Task force members and borrow materials before the building closes for renovations.
Sunday 04/10 2pm-4pm
Community Celebration w/food/fun/fellowship
Outside behind the Amy Garrett House.
Hosted by RH Community Group/Sponsored by RH Library Task Force.
In continuing the RH tradition of hospitality, events are open
to our friends and neighbors. We appreciate your support
as we plan for the future Mary Jacobs Library in Rocky Hill!
Info: or 609-924-4088
Somerset County Covid Statistics
Covid case information and vacination rates are now available below in the Covid-19 Update section. Added 3/21/2022
Rocky Hill Poetry Path
April is National Poetry Month...
Celebrate our LOCAL POETS! Updated 3/8/22
SUBMIT your poems to
by March 30 to be considered for the path
WALK the Path in Green Acres behind
Borough Hall throughout month of APRIL
READ your work at the Mary Jacobs Library
Poetry Slam at MJML 04/12/22 from 6pm-7pm
Register for the event here:
In celebration of our local poets, our environment & our trails!
The Rocky Hill POETRY PROJECT/ EARTH DAY: April 22, 2022
Prospective Candidates for the November Elections:
Procedures to file to run for local office.
The election season is upon us. Partisan candidates looking to run for election of a municipal office must file a petition with Rebecca Newman, the Borough Clerk, no later than 4:00 PM on April 4th, 2022. The Borough Office will be open from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Monday April 4th, 2022 to accept petitions. If a candidate is looking to turn a petition in prior to that date and time, please email the Clerk at and she will set up an appointment to accept it.
Non-partisan candidates looking to run for election of a municipal office must file a petition with the Somerset County Clerk, Steven Peter no later than 4:00 PM on June 7th, 2022.
Petitions, number of required signatures and additional information can be found on the Somerset County website via the link below.
Municpal Alliance presents "Race To Be Human" documentary
To view the movie trailer-