Municipal Clerk's Office

Municipal Clerk

Rebecca P. Newman 

Borough of Rocky Hill

15 Montgomery Avenue

PO Box 188

Rocky Hill, NJ 08553


609-924-2274 (Fax)

Deputy Municipal Clerk

Christine Witt

Borough of Rocky Hill

15 Montgomery Avenue

PO Box 188

Rocky Hill, NJ 08553


609-924-2274 (Fax)

The Municipal Clerk holds one of the most important and exacting positions in municipal government. So important, in fact, that in New Jersey 1) the position is a statutory one, 2) Municipal Clerks may attain tenure in office, and 3) Municipal Clerks must achieve certification through education and testing.

What began in 1973 as a project of self-improvement and professional growth, the Municipal Clerks' Association established the "Registered Municipal Clerk Concept Development Committee." It was this hard-working group that drafted the initial legislation calling for certification. Originally introduced as S411/A893, prefiled in 1974 as A2659, the bill was conditionally vetoed.

For the next ten years, the Association worked with Rutgers, the State University, to enhance educational course content and to develop a voluntary certification program. In 1983, the Association's "Registered Municipal Clerk Statute Implementation Committee" modified the initial legislation and found sponsorship for A3917, prefiled as A593, in 1984. On May 31, 1985, Governor Thomas H. Kean signed the bill which became Chapter 174 of the Public Laws of 1985 thereby establishing the designation of Registered Municipal Clerk.

So diverse is the role of the Municipal Clerk, encompassing a myriad of state statutes and serving all levels of government, that legislation was enacted in 1991 specifically designed to define the "Core" duties of this statutory office.






1. Custodian of the municipal seal.

2. Maintain custody of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation.

3. Attest to the signatures of municipal officers and officials.

4. Maintain receipt of service of legal documents.




1. Prepare agenda for annual Reorganization Meeting of the Governing Body. For Governing Bodies elected for terms of office commencing January 1, the date and time of its annual organization or reorganization meeting shall be at 12:00 Noon on January 1, or at some other hour on any day during the first week in January. [N.J.S.A. 40:45A-1] Terms of office for Governing Body members elected under the Uniform Non-Partisan Elections Law commence at 12 Noon [N.J.S.A. 40:69A-207] on July 1, and annual organization meeting must be held on July 1 of each year. 9/15/10


2. Maintain and keep new members of Governing Body aware of Rules of Order for conducting meetings including:

a. What constitutes a quorum.

b. Adopt a standard set of rules of order such as Robert's Rules or Cushing's Manual.

c. Order of business.

d. Time limit for discussion by the general public.

3. Prepare meeting agenda at the discretion of the Governing Body, be present at all meetings of the Governing Body.

4. Keep an official record of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all minutes, ordinances and resolutions.

5. Process, record, file and, when necessary, advertise ordinances, resolutions and the municipal budget.

6. Administer and record oaths of office: 10/31/04

a. Before assuming office, every person elected or appointed shall take and subscribe to an oath of office.

b. The oaths shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk and preserved as a public record for a period of five (5) years after termination of office.

7. Maintain custody of all official records not specifically handled by other departments.

8. Act as liaison to the public and correspondent on behalf of the Governing Body.




1. Certify vacancies at a local level.

2. Maintain receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition.

3. Exercise quasi-judicial authority in determining the validity of petitions.

4. Conduct the drawing for positions of candidates on the local ballot.

5. Furnish material for local elections.

6. Suggest polling places.

7. Maintain receipt of election results.

8. Certify to the County Clerk persons elected to partisan county committee offices in each election district.

9. Canvass the votes for and certify election of candidates for municipal office in non-partisan local governments.


D. CHIEF REGISTRAR OF VOTERS in the municipality


E. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER with responsibilities as follows:


1. Acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or municipal ordinance has delegated that responsibility to some other municipal officer.

2. Issue assessment search certificates.

3. Conduct business with other municipal departments as directed by the Governing Body.

4. Purchase equipment and supplies when required.

5. Maintain personnel records when required.

6. Certify to the municipality's Bond Counsel as to the proper advertising, filing of Supplemental Debt Statement and that no protests have been filed with the municipality as to the adoption of bond ordinances.


F. RECORDS COORDINATOR AND MANAGER responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated.


G. OTHER DUTIES that may be imposed by state statutes and regulations or municipal ordinances or regulations.